Friday, April 29, 2011

The heat is on....

Not referring to the basketball team but the actual temperature.  Day 5? or is it 7? of above 70 up to 90 (feels like 100 with heat index) 24/7.  Yeah, you read that right.  Meaning I go outside and it is above 70 usually closer to 80 at sunrise.  Not the typical April weather.  Not that it is stopping the weather disaster predictions of a massive hurricane on horizon.  They said the same thing last year and there wasn't anything. 

No, I did not get up at 4 am to watch the royals mucking about in pomp and tiaras.  I'm half Irish so to me it's a tad upsetting to know how the royals climbed over the back of working Irish to pad the pockets of the monarchy.  I took Irish Literature in college and had even more explained than my family had told me as a kid.  Hearing that every bit of food was literally taken from mouths of get the idea.

But I do like my brother-in-law who is English.  He's taken great care of my sister and their two kids.  He even helped with her other four.  I'll check in on them this weekend and see if their latest mishap is fixed.  Last week right before Easter they had a flood from the second floor that pretty much took out most of their house.  I heard they spent Easter in a hotel.  My folks are supposed to be out there in two weeks so my sister is naturally a bit worried (note understatement).

Weekend plans are to laze in the pool unless the promised thunderstorms arrive then I will laze in the house.

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