Thursday, November 20, 2014

November on way out

November is quickly evaporating.  I am churning through NaNo some of which I'll be keeping more than likely half is going south.  During all this I am battling with work and also doing a book review for a friend. 

This has been a tough year.  Some very good things have happened and some really nasty bits.  At times the nasty bits have shoved me into a bad space but I keep on keeping on you know?

Mostly I keep trying to remember...this too shall past...if not kick ass fodder for my stories.

Hope you are all well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November nods into my view

Yes, I am doing NaNoWriMo again.  National November Writing Month.

I've been doing it over ten years maybe closer to twelve.  Didn't finish once or twice due to real nasty life.

I enjoy writing.  Truly.  One day I may actually find out what precisely writer's block means.  I hope not.  But I tend to be constantly twisting things to make a story.  I studied literature in high school and college.  Did my stint with journalism and was not impressed.  I quickly found out how easy 'writers' twisted reality to make their stories better.  Add in all the fake news reporters that began to litter the papers I was happy to do fiction.  That said I still use 'real' stuff in my stories.  I've had more than one friend complain that they went and researched something in my stories because they thought it was part of my fiction...and found out I was telling the truth!

Well back to writing I hope you are all well.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


With the autumn weather the skies become very wild.  I couldn't snap any lightning shots last night because my cameras aren't that good.  But wow.  The layers of clouds add in the strong winds create some crazy fun shots. 

Naturally that increases the likely chances of 'unsettled weather patterns' aka hurricanes.  Yet to experience anything but a tropical storm/depression.  I keep hearing the stories and that writer bit of me goes 'goodie'  IknowIknow ...bad me.  But I've been around tons of natural disaster sorts of weather and that scientific side pushes up and wonders. 

Life has not settled down much.  And from all signs it won't anytime soon given the current folks running the world as I know it.  My family has been in and out of hospitals lately and as of last night were all out. 

One of my 'puppies' passed away last Thursday.  Not mine per se but my brother's dog - the one that I have told many McCoy Boy stories about to friends and folks who probably didn't give a tinkers damn.  McCoy is the dog my brother got for the family then they immediately went on a vacation.  So McCoy always figured I was one of the family.  New Years Eve ten years ago or so I had a plate of cheese and crackers with some chardonnay to sip when I was talking online with my friends I had to take a minute AFK (yeah go potty) and I came back and every bit of cheese was GONE.  Now realize the desk top was high and the dog was little!  That dog launched is wire terrier body up and emptied the plate before I could discover him - he was downstairs playing stupid.  We all still laugh about that!

Other less amusing bits happening but October is a day away.  I need to start writing something dark!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Palms, Pumpkins and latest story on Pikers Press

This was a story I started back in 2009 for NaNoWriMo.  Instead of finishing I set it aside for too much real life.  Still I found it teasing my thoughts lately so I brushed it off and began digging around and fixing the bits one ignores when writing for NaNo.

Hope you all enjoy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September and fall in air

For whatever reason full 'super moons' always make me think of Fall.  Fall is one of my favorite times of year.  The nips of chilly air that toy with the nape of my neck like a lover - giving me that sweet taste of winter just around the corner along with the promise of changes.  I used to love raking the leaves during the autumn when I lived in Michigan.  Laced with the bittersweet knowledge that my garden was dying off leaving me with delicious offerings to be savored.  I picked some purple opal basil last night from my little pot of herbs in the front of the house.  The scent of that basil drifted on the wind and teased me.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

This weekend

Despite the ninety degree temps and feel like 100 plus did some yard work.  My neighbor is chilling on the 'porch' area.  The tiki torches work wonderfully to keep the mosquitoes down to a low number - but dang walk two feet away and I am definitely nibbled on!

Friday, August 22, 2014

In the Beginning

I really didn't fall off the world.  It just seemed like that.  As of June this is my new place.  Not like personally but I rent the home.  This is like the first week or so and since then there's been many improvements.  I'll snap more pictures this weekend.  It's been a rough patch with work and the lousy home situtation I had at my old place.  I found little time to blog much less do anything but survive.

That said the warmth of the light from the oncoming train seems more peaceful now (not a negative just adjusting the train wrecks I've been in lately).  I finished off Good Morning - for now.  And am working on When Fairy Tales Come Alive.  Originally started for NaNo 2009 but not much written but a mere 16,000 or so words.  I've jumped in with both feet and began shaping the new universe.  I like it.

Hope you all are having a good end of summer. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Jasmine on my mind

This is Jasmine.  She was abandoned by a half dozen folks in her life and as of last year she pretty much adopted me.  She has been inside the house at night since June and on Revolution (the cat liquid anti-flea med).  But she has her quirks as all cats do.  She likes to leave around 5:30 am to explore what's happened outside since the night before.  She graciously meows her way back inside by 6:30 am for her breakfast and scratching (my petting her not her clawing me or the furniture).  If it is the weekend she goes in and out all day but when I head to work she is protesting as I pop her furry butt outside. 

Since my crazy neighbor treats the common area in our shared backyard as her own personal house it's not like Jasmine is short furniture to fur up or sleep on.  I tried to post the pictures of furniture but goog doesn't like it (will aim to pop in later). 

In my 'patio' area!

Lately she's become more vocal.  As in telling me a story when I come home.  She waits in my parking space reluctantly moving all the while saying cat stuff.  Last night there was some bad weather and I didn't see her right away.  Naturally I worried.  I got out of my car and she popped up from under the wacky neighbor's car talking and bitching.  I got the mail from the curb and she raced me back inside to find a warm spot. 

She's at least a dozen years old and a small sized cat.  My vet friend tells me that Jasmine can live another dozen years and that she's very healthy.  That made me happy.  There's something about a cat purring next to me that brings a smile to my face. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fire-like clouds for February

I figured with Sand's gentle nudge talking about postings at a meeting that meant some of us should least once a month right?

This was a hectic month.  After being so sick in January (Martin Luther King's Day) I took time to rebound from the stomach flu.  Still cautious around certain foods. 

My NaNo book was feeding the Press for the past three months and finished mid-January so I've been working on one or two episodes forward whenever time permits. 

Time has been a luxury lately.  The month of February has a few 'events' on my little barrier island that bring thousands of people over the bridges and through the neighborhoods.  Tourist dollars are appreciated but the attitude that this is suddenly a third world country and there are no rules tends to wear on us.  You see public displays of affection that rival a bad strip club with lap dances in the corners.  Drunken fools make up a majority of the rowdy kind who think public urination is acceptable. 

Then there is the drama.  Oh MY!  Tweens and teens dumped off to play along with the college kids out on break.  Screaming fights and swear words fly as well as fists.  One evening the island was shut down because - I am NOT kidding - someone had their cell phone stolen.  Yup cops blocked the bridges and checked for a phone.  I wondered what Hollywood idiot had videos of some star getting pleasured caused all the helicopters to fly along with the barricades to be set up.  I was expecting another DB (dead body - sadly common here) on the beach or something.  A cell phone?  Sheesh.  Spring break is officially starting tonight and I hope to stay hidden.

The company is still growing and there are many signs of growing pains along with the chaos of too much middle management.  But it fuels my writing so I will survive until I get published for profit or hit the lotto!

My little home has been the sad recipient of too many parties that go way too late into the night for the past year.  No respect to personal space much less actual parking spaces.  There are only a few of us yet the two gals on either end of the duplexes seem to think the common area is their personal playground.  I tried to talk with the landlord and he said he'd fix it.  Never happened.  He then said I should call the cops - not going to happen.  Well now some of my kind neighbors are now actively pissed off and started calling the cops and the landlord and as of last weekend one went down to the city hall and filed a formal complaint.  She said next she's taking it to the press.  Okay, anyone who reads my stuff knows how much I like the press.  Soon I may have pictures of an INS raid along with camera crews recording the horror.  One of these renters proudly brags she's illegal.  While the other lives in an efficiency (converted garage) and has twenty to thirty people over weekly. 

So stay tuned....we will see what the spring brings.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February blowing in

I get hisses and boos when I post pictures from my corner of the globe.  The Polar Vortex has been creating quite the winter weather for my neighbors and family to the north.  It dips down a bit and then spits some rain at us but basically I can't whine about the weather.  My plants want the warmth but I am happy to feel a chilly breeze on my face when walking.

Stress from the work situation has kicked my Piker Press tales into some darker paths.  I vent where I can!

Trying to keep my mottos firm
Work to Live not Live to Work
I can be Great - and I give myself the permission.

There....done...*kicks away her soap box*  There are others but that's the high points.

Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 *deep sigh*

Okay, blizzards, ice storms, flooding, earthquake, torrential rains, possible tornado touch down.....and it's only a week and half into this year.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Moon madness

I think I am in shadows not completely here or there. 

Not helpful when still not able to do work due to 'technical issues' from what I can gather.

2014  so it begins.