Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10K for Labor Day

Called on account of rain.

But seriously folks.  Friday started raining and thunderstorms.  A break in the morning so I got a chance to run out and get basics.  I was expecting a few friends over and we were going to soak up the sun and some wine.  Instead watched movies on TV while the air crackled and the rain poured out of the clouds.  I did some editing and writing by hand but it's a lot slower than the computer (go figure).  Sunday at noon my friend showed up with her 4 month old baby I've nicknamed Thor.  He pounds on everything (including my breasts) with strong little fists.  He already stands and wears clothing designed for one year olds.  She's screwed this kid's going to be a bruiser.  Then my other friend showed up with her pregnant daughter and the two grandkids (age 1 and 4) so it became a nice full house circus.  Another couple folks showed up and we all had fun but it was busy.  Monday was a bit of writing and some relaxing.

I did get to catch up twice with Jonathon King (the writer I mentioned lived nearby and is a friend) we had some great convos about the craft.  I was mentioning my current WIP and how I have to be careful not to get too caught up in my research.  He said when he guest lectures he often times reminds writers that it isn't wise to let the research derail you from your tale.  I then countered just being contrary that sometimes those jaunts off the page can bring new ideas - he laughed and agreed.  He also told me some gossip about one of the writers (Michael Connelly) who is a friend of his and also friends with one of my California friends.  Nonsensical fun.  But I did take to heart a bit of his advice (I had already been heading towards the idea but it confirmed the thoughts) and episode 36 will be fun in The Building. 

Just a little over a month until I fly home to see family and get some stuff from storage.  I don't know which excites me more.  Okay, family  yeah...that's it.  Last night I was going to clean up all the stuff I jammed in over the weekend (over 5K) but nature had her way instead.  Lost power a couple times and with the constant lightning strikes I figured it wasn't a good time to be online and challenging the elements.

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