Friday, September 16, 2011

Summer is gone?

So the local newspaper reported yesterday two 'factoids' that still have me giggling. 

One that Floridians can tell summer has turned the corner and there is autumn in the air.  *giggle* yeah, uhuh.  What that means is the humidity wasn't 98% yesterday morning at 6:45 am and there was a slight breeze of 77 degrees instead of 81 degrees before dawn.  The 'lows' in the 90s during the day.  I have friends complaining about the 40's in the evening and these clowns think this is 'autumn'?

Two is that Floridians should stop thinking that hurricane season is over.  It seems since Irene ran up the coast and drenched Vermont most Florida folks decided that meant the season was done.  Historically most of the nasty hurricanes have hit in October in recent years.  Wilma being a shining example of that.  But let's not rush out and buy the plywood yet since it's sunny and gorgeous today.  And for those in the know duct tape is NOT the proper way to secure windows during a hurricane despite the cute media moments.

I think my vampires are getting hungry!

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