It's the beginning of the hurricane season. That means all the local news shows are telling us how to kiss our asses goodbye in the event of epic Cat 5 (category five level hurricanes - those sucky ones that kill folks and cause millions of dollars worth of damage) events. Yes, they call them events. Like I'm supposed to run out and buy tickets to the 'main event'. What I am supposed to buy is canned goods, toilet paper and keep my gas tank full. Okay, have you seen the cost of gas? Hello.....that's a luxury item in La-La land. A dollar a gallon more than it was a year ago but nobody is seeing the frog boiling going on (the old adage if you try to put a live frog in a pot of boiling water it will hop right out but if you put it in lukewarm water and gradually raise the heat soon you'll be feasting on boiled frog).
This past weekend we had some interesting weird weather. Naturally I grabbed my camera. Had the weather happened a week before the Camping followers (ie currently 'campers' given they gave up all their worldly goods and cashed out their savings in order to prepare to be snatched off the face of Earth) there would have been more idiots sipping from the Kool-aid cup for sure.
Not sure I would want to be in a Cat 5 event. I think I can all my thrills watching the highlights on TV.