Summer Equinox was yesterday. It did seem like a long day but the extra minute or three I rarely notice. When I lived up in Michigan the longer days were really noticeable because of the fireflies and the noisy kids playing in the yards at 10pm - way to parent huh?
The wildfires are still filling the air with smoke. My company is refurbishing our building. Nearly two months and the outside is almost finished (the email said it would take a week weather permitting). Now they have started on the inside. It is supposed to be done all after hours. Yesterday the south stairwell I use was shut for painting, the lobby to elevators was scraped and taped with tons of dust in air and the air conditioning died. So yes, this will be 'fun'.
Supposed to go back and see Nick Jr on Saturday. I snapped some pictures last weekend I am going to print up I hope to share with him. ...tried to put picture here but goog ain't having it. sigh. Third try still no go.
Summer finally arrived here having held out to wait for the calendar to catch up apparently. I sympathize with you construction trials (see Sand's blog). Today, aside from a little cleaning, we both took the day off. I even took a nap.