Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So I was able to log into Piker meeting last night and actually got to see a few of the 'usual suspects'.  It was raining off and on but no lightning.  The locals have been setting off fireworks so booms aren't necessarily as close as they sound. 

The painting inside of the building is going on and making lovely scents - not.  The crew sucks in all the wrong ways.  They have dripped paint in the stairwells on the flooring and seem to spatter willy-nilly.  I see smudges and streaks.  And for this we are probably paying way too much money.  Everything used to be light blue and they picked a light sea foam green very similar to what one sees in the hospitals and other government buildings.  Maybe they got a discount?

There's a baby lizard that has decided my bathroom is a great home.  I see it running around the walls at all hours.  No more than an inch and half in length I wonder at what point it will outgrow whatever sliver of a hole in the screen it uses?  Hopefully it will have a growth spurt outside the house.  I keep assuring myself it is probably living on mosquitoes and that's a good thing.

Hurricane in the Gulf won't hit my area from all the projections.  Maybe a raining 4th of July weekend.  Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I can see you waking up to find a friendly little lizard curled up on your pillow beside you ...
