Thursday, June 30, 2011

Funny thing these people

So one of my fellow writers was asked their opinion by a co-worker.  He correctly figured out that the person in question really didn't want any advice and probably would disregard any and all tidbits passed on to him with a dimwitted smile (my take...he didn't say that).  Shows me that my friend isn't stupid.

Which brings me to my co-workers.  I started in one part of the same division keeping my head down and working twice as hard as anyone else.  It wasn't about me trying to show up the natives but my personal work ethic.  I can't fake speed and pretend that something takes two hours when it takes ten minutes.  I consider that a form of stealing.  I was well qualified for the position and it was even remarked in my review that I was very over qualified.  Welcome to the 'not-so-great-depression' that's what it is.  When I relocated to the other coast I had to make some serious sacrifices and suck it up.  January my old supervisor volunteered me for the position open 'over the wall' with the international group and the build up group.  I reluctantly interviewed because I had started to look around to see if I could find another job.  Two days later I was in place in the new division.  Same money (everything in this company is a lateral move...what you opened the mail and now are vice-president...lateral move....yeah...really) but more challenging and more people to work with.  In the old position I kept my little head down and worked without too much interaction.  New one - interaction.

Okay, so I speak more Spanish than English some days it being the International division.  I also work with folks who've been in the company anywhere from three to ten years.  With that comes that age old problem of people who don't try anymore.  I am being handed more and more of other folks work.  I don't care.  Seriously I am at work and paid to who cares if worker X or Y used to do it in a week and I kick it out in a day.  As far as I am concerned it's getting the job done.  That's a lost art.  There are some major waves rolling through the department as changes are on horizon again.  I am being asked my opinion by the folks in management constantly.  And they actually don't want me asking back, "Well what do you think?"

Thus I am forced into the uncomfortable position of carefully wording my opinions.  Argh.  But at least we have a smart receptionist!
Snake holes in old coral along the canal by Nick's house.

1 comment:

  1. It is always wise to be judicious with your comments when you have your head stuck in one of the snake holes by Nick's house, or in one of the ones "over the wall." The sad reality is that there are snake holes everywhere.
