Monday, June 20, 2011

Internet is like Swiss Cheese...full of holes!

And I am not talking about assholes - though there are those - but the sink holes where all of a sudden you aren't able to do what you could mere days or even hours ago.  Sand and I spoke on Friday (thanks Sand! and great hearing Lil's voice) and she said she hadn't been writing on Blogger because she and Bernie have fallen into one of those holes.  In her case it is conflict between her reality and the router's.  Unfortunately the router won.

I was out West on Saturday at a friend's house for a barbecue.  Nick has been taking care of his son for a few years since the young man was struck down with a severe form of MS.  Nick Jr actually gets online via Facebook even having only the use of his right hand.  This young man humbles me.  He nearly died two months ago and still has a terminal illness yet he and I talked for a good hour.  Next weekend I plan on going back and talking more with him.  The government doesn't see him as disabled since one of his neuro scans a few years ago wasn't 'severe' enough.  He has an amazingly solid grasp of how ridiculous it all is and we talked about that and his photography.

Before Nick, Jr. was diagnosed with MS he had gone to school for photography and the entire house is covered in family pictures and his photographs.  He doesn't have any of them on CD or digital images.  His current state of health has him on some funky meds and not able to go far from home.  He and I talked about getting his pictures loaded onto discs so he could start putting them on Facebook if nothing else.  I snapped a few pictures of the canal behind their home where Nick fishes.  He calls it his catch and release program since all he pulls out are bass which you can't eat in this state unless you want to glow in the dark.


  1. Test. Test.
    I think I solved my google problems

  2. Well, at least one less hole. We found the solution, so Sand and I shall be back to blogging shortly.

    People like Nick Jr. are indeed humbling. They can be tremendous witnesses to what life really is.
