Thursday, October 6, 2011


News story on drive into work.  The average household spends $280 on Halloween decorations.  Excuse me???  I mean like Wow.  A pumpkin $4.00 maybe $5.00.  I already have carving kit if not there are plenty of knives and kitchen skewers to use at my place.  Okay, bag of candy or two $5.00.  Candles - tons of those no need to fork out cash for any.  So I am spending maybe $15.00 tops.  That means someone else is spending my other $265.00 along with their $280 - over $500!!

Confess which of my five readers is spending that kind of money???

Double vision shot during huge storm.


  1. So far I have not spent a dime. I have tea light candles, and I'll make skull lanterns out of plastic milk bottles. Must be someone else spending all our money.

    See you next week!

  2. T and I recently drove past a house that had orange lights in the window. He said, "It's too early for Christmas lights." He had a really hard time grasping the idea of Halloween lights.

    Needless to say, we are non-decorators. We're the people who turn off the lights and stay in a back room until trick or treating is over.
