Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunny Monday

Yes, the news had it right.  Hot, hot, hot.  The promised heatwave showed up even if they got the rain wrong.  The weather guessers swore it would be sunny and lovely Saturday.
Followed by my car getting a wash and the outside of the pub.

So naturally it didn't rain at all on Sunday.  It fact it was the edge of the heatwave creeping towards us.

High 80s by time I left work.  And the day had been busy and somewhat brutal.  The humorous point was when I had a call from the new department manager asking why I keyed only 300 and something utilities this month and 1600 last month.  I replied because the department director had asked me to help and authorized overtime.  She was stunned.  I also added that utilities weren't even my department but the other one.  She said her stats were all so low.  I commented that I'd been helping since November.  She is slowly getting it.  But she doesn't want to incur any overtime and I can't do my job and another person's job without OT. 

I dragged my tush home to find two good bits of mail.  One was my plate tags for the next two years and the second was a box.  Inside the box was a lovely surprise.  My friend had sent my birthday gift early.
It actually goes in nicely with the other bits I have up on the opposite wall.  And she's never been to my home here!

So a nice ending to a difficult Monday!


  1. We are still languishing in early Spring weather here. I'm hoping that we will start to see some warm weather in the next couple of weeks.

    "Languishing" may be a bit harsh of a word. Spring is really pretty nice around here.

    Still, I want it to be warm.

  2. Test, test. Are your comments working???
