Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sweet Irene?

Not actually the sunrise this morning.  Took a cloud shot I'll try to get uploaded soon. 

So no clue if hurricane will hit Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas or further north.  The storm trackers and weather models have swerved from hitting us directly but as locals report more than one storm has done the unthinkable and taken a hard left despite all the 'models'.  It was lightning and thundering this morning before dawn.  I think I was up by 4:45 am.  I really don't want to start doing that insomnia thing again but the barometric pressure fluctuations cause me to wake up abruptly well, that and the dreams.  Yeah, not writing enough so wicked dreamscapes.  Last night strange dream where I was in California talking to someone who was arguing with me about my footwear.  Said I should wear more heels (I don't even own a pair of heels anymore).  The person evolved into a few men I know casually.  Like one is the guy who manages the local CVS (a New Yorker who wears gold chains and talks very Bronxish) - so I pull out a pair of heels I magically have that string over my feet then look like 'Come-and-Get-Me' pumps (aka F'Me pumps).  And I get into a car and start driving up a hill which then disappears after a weird restaurant scene ala Quentin Tarintino esque and then I am fall off the cliff thinking  'Damn that's so totally going to mess up my heels when I hit the bottom'.  And I do and wake up with a snap sitting upright checking for my shoes. 

I need to write more!

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