Monday, August 8, 2011

Hurricanes and Tornado weather

Right now it's pretty much the same as this picture but not as crisp.  Had one of my old directors in town and got to see him and his family on Saturday after my insane landlady came over and screamed obscenities at me for no apparent reason and later she wrote a lovely letter somewhat saying she was wrong.  It was nice to catch up with Chris.  He's one of the first guys I met from one of my old company's take overs and made me laugh.  He was the inspiration for my Dough of the Dead series West Virginia location. 

Last night blurred into today with no sleep and a visit to the ER at a bit after 4 am.  Nasty lymph node infection that got treated immediately with a shot in my tush and two pills - I knew that meant I was pretty dang sick.  Sent home with a ZPack of antibiotics and painkillers.  That I was given painkillers meant the doctor actually listened.  I still need to catch up with two days of missing sleep and was told to take two days off work.  The doctor wrote it up giving me the flexibility to take off Wednesday too if I still wasn't 100%.  There's no way I can see that happening but definitely staying home tomorrow if for no other reason than sleeping. Maybe some more writing!

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