Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sky bright

I'll have to add the pictures later.  It doesn't like linking here.  *sigh*  Okay there ya go...dawn.

Okay so I am nearly feeling human again after being wickedly sick last week.  I began writing again on The Building after a few weeks off (nearly two!).  Yes, those of you who know me realize that means I've been doing the insomnia nightmare dreamscape for two weeks.  My muse gets far too hungry at times.  Sea Turtles in a pool with anger issues at being speared  - imagery of prehistoric lands and the voracious appetites of omnivores were inside that dream.  The turtles are protected on the local beaches and the cities have low to no lights to encourage crime..I mean procreation...yeah that's it.  I need to wander down to the beach this weekend if there aren't any morning storms and see if there are any nests around.  The wild life groups are good about roping them off and monitoring for eggs and turtles. 

Lightning hit three so far this week.  One idiot was in a crane during a massive storm.  Yes, they were all men.  Proving once again that more men get struck by lightning than men.  I don't have the stats on how many of them are golfers wanting to finish their rounds but I have a suspicion. 

1 comment:

  1. More men get struck by lightning because we are fearless, brave, honorable, protective of our women...and maybe a little bit because we don't know when to come in out of the rain.
