Thursday, December 22, 2011

Darkest night

That's pretty much what it looks like outside right now.  Chance of rain but not major downfall just scattered showers.  I was thinking that today is the longest darkest night of the year according to the weather folks. My mind remembered the very eerie movie set in Alaska with a policeman trying to piece together a murder mystery and the never ending daylight that plagues the character played by Al Pachino.

The flipside idea of endless night has been showcased in some rather blood spattered horror films yet still the long dark night imagery chases through my mind.  The Riddick series starts with dark bleak scenery and Vin Diesel rippling through scenes chewing through the dialog while the pterodactyl like creatures try to take out the crowd in Pitch Black. To me that movie sums up the ultimate in darkness with a dark side. 

Driving in to work this morning the crescent moon was above the clouds rimmed by the rising sun.  My brain has been in writer/photographer mode all day.  Since I have the next four days off for Christmas hopefully I will feed both muses. 

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