Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This weekend was truly 'autumn' weather. The mornings were in the mid-sixties and I was able to have the air conditioning off all weekend and keep the windows open. A friend opened a new restaurant on the docks and had a late lunch there on Saturday. I'll get some pictures up in the next few days.

NaNoWriMo is going but I am boggled down with life at times and running a day behind on my word count. The good news is I am taking half day on Friday and plan on catching up a bit and preparing for next week Thanksgiving. Making the stuffing ahead of time and freezing along with the sweet potatoes. The favorite is fresh boiled sweet potatoes, sliced and layered with butter and brown sugar then topped with marshmellos. I actually like my ex-mother-in-laws recipe with crushed pineapple on bottom, sweet potatoes mashed between with layer of walnut and brown sugar/butter on top.

What's one thing you MUST have at your table for Thanksgiving food wise?

1 comment:

  1. One thing? Hah! Must have good gravy. Real kickin' ass fresh-made turkey gravy. If your gravy's good, you could eat cement with it.
