Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March Madness has cometh

Yeah my life went butter side down again.  As of May 6th I will be officially laid off from my job of nearly six years because of outsourcing.  I've been told many times this is a great opportunity for me - and it will be - but dang!

So I took Friday off to wrap my head around my growing opportunity after being violently ill Thursday o'dark and pretty much giving myself a slightly sprained neck aka whiplash.

Monday I walk into work still stiff and one of the other gals in the office tells me I look like a princess.  OMG so a stiff neck and sheer pride makes me look regal?  Or was it the glint of 'off with their heads' caught her attention.  It reminded of me a game my mom used to play with us kids on rainy days (I am certain they were rainy days because otherwise we would have been outside terrorizing our neighbors and their kids). Show of hands ... who put hardcover books on top of their heads and walked around trying to keep the book or books from falling off with their siblings?

Hands?  Dang just me?  I knew it was a game to amuse my mom more than us but I was good at it!

So keep me in your thoughts guys and gals since this is flipping my muse into hiding mode because stress mode is pushing harder!!!!


  1. As a matter of fact, I just impressed the snot out of Joma the nearly-four-year-old by walking along with a book on my head. She's been trying out the technique with toys...

  2. I learned to do that from Romper Room.
