Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Into every life a little rain must fall

That said I wonder how bad this coming hurricane season is going to be.

Good news my writer friend Barry wasn't in Brussels today.  That was last week.  He was in Paris when that nasty bit hit so I was concerned.  I count my blessings where I get them now.

Tough dang decade (I stopped counting years and slid into the next bookmark).  Too many deaths, work issues, friends with troubles....all starting to wear at me.  I have tons of words and so little time.  As some know I have a nasty dreamscape when I don't write.  I don't thinking I am screaming aloud but with the dog nudging me awake some nights or the cat I could be wrong.

A writer's mind is unique to each of us creatures.  Personally writing chases out the worries and actively crappy things happening and lately I haven't been clocking enough sentences much less pages.  So my monster come look for me.  I am screaming help or get the hell away from me - laced with some nasty cuss words.  Thankfully my closest neighbor is totally trashed by dark and never hears me.

I hope everyone has a good week.  This too shall pass.

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