Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Middle of December really????

Doing my best to keep the reason for the season in my thoughts.  Been rough lately.  Enough about that.

Haven't done much writing other than Christmas cards since November.  But I liked my NaNo and have more to go.  Two four day weekends starting next week so I will do my best.

Happy Holidays to all and know that you are all loved.  Seriously.  That is the reason for the season.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December thoughts

So if you look closely you can see some white bits in the shot with palm trees and kids.  The local mall did this big event last Saturday unbeknownst to me when I went to grab some cards.  There were events all over with kids running and crying.  But mostly they were having fun once you culled out the whiny spoiled ones from the mass.  Given it was raining at the time the soap fake snow didn't last long.

I have twenty eps rocking to go but I think they will roll in February and hopefully have another dozen to add to the mix.  The tale is my NaNo take away.  Night Job - fun.  Make sure to check out www.pikerpress.com because there are some great authors rolling out some great tales.  January there should be some fun recipes and if I get my stuff together a few from me.

I did some more work on my tree and a few of my favorites are up now.

Enjoy yourselves and know you are loved!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December finally here

Jasmine is getting older but still a crafty cat.  She was perching over my head when I was in the bed watching TV.  I grab the shot and she turned tale and meowed her way out of the room until I let her coax me into to petting her.

Stressful year.  I did finish NaNo but I thought the last 10K was rubbish that will go into my 'one day' file.  I already pulled most of it out of my tale Night Job and have a solid 40K to polish and such.  I think at least another 60K will complete this story but will check with Sand Pilarski if she wants to wait or will take my offering for now.

My landlady passed last month and Thursday will be the service.  Found out today that half the remaining siblings are thinking of selling the place in the future.  Razzle Dazzle time or let this slice of paradise go away?  That truly is the question.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all five of my readers :)

Still working on NaNo.  I actually like it and over 40K.  The next 10K will be junk mostly.  Random what if scenarios to complete NaNo but at least this much I feel works and flows.  
Unlike my year.  There are years when I just go...come on now really????  And this was one of those.  Every time I brush myself off from the latest character building happenstance something more horrific tends to rear its ugly head.  Sort of like well my monsters in my stories.  Anyone wonder where I get the fuel?

Back to writing.  

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 12 NaNo

Cloudy sky here but nothing like all the rest of the nation.  Promises of "cooler" weather like down to the 70s!

NaNo has been skittering off a bit at times given the lousy work condition and various interrupting junk I cleared 15K at lunch.  Way short but the story isn't falling but my exhaustion has been pretty severe.  A bit of OT and tons of stress at work has cut out my hour plus of free writing time down to 15 or 20 minutes a day during break.  After dinner and all that I get hour or so in thus only a bit over a thousand words a day.  I still am pleased with the tale.  Night Job is roughly ten years later from Lindy Dough of the Dead Zombie romp I did back in 2007.  Yep.  Since then Hollywood has gone nuts for Zombies!  Go figure huh?

Well back to the words.

Monday, November 9, 2015

NaNo over 10K

Life tends to plan while I try to live.  That said I brought home some nummy See's candies from my visit home last month.  Stuffed the box above in the produce keeper drawer where I would nibble a piece after long days.  I have been pretty good because my writing time has been slashed to minutes and dreams some days but still I like what I am doing. That means my treats are lasting longer!

I started with an idea for Piker Press http://www.pikerpress.com for the Day of the Dead and stuffed it into my NaNo box instead.  Basically my short stories for previous Piker Press work netted a zombie tale years ago.  I mean like nearly ten.  During this time Zombies became the rage.  Hell, I'd already done it.  Smug I figured I'd toss together a bit of a creepy tale and suddenly my brain was being devoured. Thus I started 'Night Job' on November first for NaNo.  Up to 11K right now and aiming for another thousand before I sleep.  Not on schedule for the NaNo numbers but a good weekend can catch me up if the world lets me do it.

Fun story and it's clearing cobwebs from this past year and creating more fun!

Hope you are all well.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

My cover for Night Job writing for NaNo.  Yeah, I am doing it again. Over twelve years.  I did this painting last month on mandatory "Team Building" outing.  Job still as fun as ever.  Good news in all the working on my system issues I was able to finally get Chrome loaded and got access to my blog page again.

Such is life.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fairy Tales are alive

I had to put this creature in Vintage mode to even see it on the screen.  Center of the picture is the Harpy Eagle from Panama.  If the Miami Zoo had been larger and had more donations I would of figured the mythical looking creature was actually a Disney animatronic sort of creature like the moving President Lincoln back in the 70's that had an A Ticket show (yes, children long before you visited the Magical Kingdom they used to sell our parents giant ticket books with A-E on each piece of Disney treasure.  The boring safe stuff was A ticket and the rocket and elaborate scary stuff were E Tickets).

The Zoo also mixed into walking paths Dinosaurs in plastic and looked pretty cool - the latest from the Zoo is they are doing a Dino themed zoo for a few months.  The mixture of fantastical with live animals.  Funny and slightly disturbing.

I started writing scary go-bump-in-the-night stuff nearly 20 years ago.  Now it is utterly mainstream and movies, TV shows, books and anything that goes viral has the possibility of being along the lines of what I've been writing about for years.  I started writing the book 'When Fairy Tales Come Alive" over five years ago.  Scattered thoughts and ideas written in pen.  Fox and other stations have entire nights devoted to such things.  I grew up on Grimm's Fairy Tales - the hard core ones with bad endings. I wonder how so many people are now enthralled by such tales when years ago it was all Blue Smurfs and Rainbow Ponies?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 2015 already half way gone

The week has already been up and down.  Hell, the year has.  Day 13 and I am already doing overtime after resolving to not do so much.  Oh, not like I get a choice - duh!  We had a show-in-tell for the new system that will be replacing quite a few of my co-workers.  Lovely.

NaNo saw some good writing I liked and far too much I've already 'edited' away.  If I get more time this weekend than I did last weekend I hope to be rained on and get some quality words in before Monday.  Barry sent me his latest book to review and my thoughts are up on www.PikerPress.com

Well time to get a bit of writing in before I fall asleep.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 is here.  I can't upload anything at work for my blog anymore so I simply clock in and work.

The year has been...well challenging but I am calling it 2014 leftovers.

Just found out I haven't sent enough episodes in to get me through January...darn!! More work ahead with editing.

I hope you all are well.