Well it's been tumultuous to say the least. Work has been a box of mixed messages tossed in with some extra notes just to screw with our heads. As of today we have not been restructured like 'promised' in a meeting a few weeks ago. It's nothing that I have any influence over nor any choice other than changing of jobs. I like the folks I work with and actually do a good job. Change is inevitable but then it's my choice how I handle it. Right now I am cruising along and trying to see the sunsets and sunrises with a serene air. Yeah we all know how that works out for me. I feed the mosquitoes and end up mumbling things about how best to slaughter - my characters yeah - mumble.
Sister-in-law completed her third chemo treatment this week. Her sister runs the 'family' blog and hadn't posted for over two weeks since saying my SIL was home from 'the spa' (the cute way they refer to going to the hospital and not being able to visit with anyone unless they are in a hazmat suit). I nearly called my brother to find out what was going on but then figured bad news travels fast so she was probably okay.
And speaking of bad news my cousin's husband passed away last night. He was a cop in VA/DC area for decades when he got leukemia. He had a long nasty battle and last night I was online and caught up with one of my other cousins so at least I heard it was likely before seeing my aunt's rather stark email this morning reporting his death. Not that I hadn't already realized he was that ill it just is sucky news with breakfast.
Long holiday weekend ahead. We used to have challenges in Piker Press http://www.pikerpress.com with the theme 10K for Labor Day. I don't see that happening but did get in a nice 1,100 words this morning that I liked. I have some nice twists and curves in the road ahead for my character Emma that keep spilling onto the page.
Hope you all are well.
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