Friday, July 13, 2012

Crazy Lazy Dayz

Time folds in on itself without any interference from me. Working with specific time frames intensify the effect.  I can't believe it's nearly half way through July.  I could've sworn it was just November and I was doing NaNoWriMo. 

Haven't blogged much lately because the crazy part is how much work I am doing.  I am the 'face' of an entire new purchase of towers in April.  I am the 'go to' person who hasn't got a clue at times where I am heading.  Because of this I tend to hit the ground sputtering and printing out explanations.  'No, we really don't need to charge back $12,000 to the old company because the bank bounced stuff - it will screw up the works.' Said nicely and naively as if I am hesitant because I'm talking with one of the main directors five levels above my pay grade.  I go back to consult him on something a bit later and he parrots back what I told him as if it was his 'thought'.  Such is the life of the busy little drone bees. 

The lazy part has been my weekends.  Since my laptop still isn't fixed I am getting out and swimming and reading in the sunny afternoons.  Mornings usually are the laundry/shopping/general mucking around the house stuff but by one or two a few of my friends have been showing up with appetizers, bottles of wine and tales.  Some I read to them and others they are telling me about the latest bits of their lives.  The summer is half over and I am amazed at how it detoured completely off the track.

Still catching up with my writing schedule.  Not having my laptop at home is making me structure my writing time more than I am used to but I have had some fun ideas I've been working into The Complex. 

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