The funeral was horrifying. After taps played and ten minutes of sobs while the flag was presented to the wife it began. My CFO spoke, the wife of 30 years sobbed her way through her eulogy and then there was a family friend reading a heartbreaking letter his brother sent and crying with heart thick sobs. Needless to say the 18 year old son got up and tried to keep from crying while saying good things about his dad. Last call brought up my boss' brother who had no canned talk but raw emotions. That was all done in 45 minutes inside a packed room with my boss' remains - or cremains I gather since I doubt they had an ice bucket up front - then we left.
Cut to Saturday. It was really hot but I still worked my way through some yard work and laundry. Well, until the fire started at a nearby and made a hell of a mess.
From there it only got worse.
And at the end there were tons of firemen running around trying to prevent it from spreading.
If you look closely you can see the firemen on the outside hammering on doors.
In the end there was sadly one perished homeowner and a few injured firemen.
The sunset was haunting that night.
Weird how it looked like the fire in an oddly lit way.
July definitely wasn't the usual humid storm riddled mess but instead something more horrific. At times it is overwhelming how many things have happened lately. But still I go on. Hug those you love.
*Hugs * to you!