Sunday, February 21, 2016

Wild week in February

There are times I am truly floored by what happens in my world.  I've had folks tell me that I had to be fibbing (or lying) at the very least telling tall tales.  Nope.  Tis my world.

A tornado touched down in my area.  A block over trees were ripped up by their root balls and sent into traffic and pathways.  Power outage for a couple of hours.  Some traumatized pets (mine included - they don't like that sort of noise) while my next door neighbor slept through it.

Fences were pushed around and some of the duplex attached to me had some damage on the roof.  So this weekend was fencing and roof work.  The last worker left hour or so ago.  I have pictures but wasn't able to paste them in (yet?).

Still not writing enough to feed my muse but I am enjoying others work and trying to keep my humor in place.  Tough some days you all know.  The weather from tornado to gorgeous weekend what a world.

Hope you are all well.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fat Tuesday

My dog has his own Disney stuffed toy.  It is called Sadness.  For some reason he snagged it when I got it right out of the box and decided it was his new pillow.  Some days he literally cuddles it.  So ...touching.  Jack doesn't like toys as a rule because he doesn't know that he is a dog.

Did battles with Xfinto (Xfinity) Comcast for the past 72 hours.  Bought the new "must upgrade" BS finally and went to install on Saturday.  It didn't work.  Three long phone calls later only one TV worked and the other was definitely butter side down with a heap of puppy poop on top.  Confirmed yesterday when they were forced to send out not one but TWO technicians.  Not only was the second 'box' dead in the water (or bedroom what have you) but turned out that nothing was going to work well without switching out some components outside on the damn roof I think.  Either was all good now but payback is going to be ...ME.

Lent is starting tomorrow and I always do my best to spend that time to think and listen.  Listening is hard but in long run helpful.

Hope you all are well.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

February again....go figure

So I have the cover in Piker Press this week. and I always love it when I start a new tale.

This year has been crazy already.  Work has been challenging to say the least.  Enough said for that weird trip.  Oh, wait.  Too funny I did one of those 'mandatory' aka "volunteer' studies sent out from corporate.  The 'bait' is the 'reward' of $50 gift certificate.  The 'switch' was it was to the company run merchandise shop survey.  I laughed when I saw that was the 'reward' if chosen at random.  I pretty much trashed the bs nicely and damned if I didn't win!! The kicker there is NOTHING I want there but I must use the full 50 in one shopping experience.

I just spent most of my Saturday dealing with Xfinity to no resolution that is worthy of all my day.  I am trying to not rant but wow....really??? For the past six months the company has been nagging me to upgrade my cable box with all this free and easy ...stuff.  They lied.  They will pay. I have guests coming tomorrow and only one TV.  Need I say more?

At least it's not snowing.  But it is raining.