Friday, July 5, 2013

July is just heating up for Hurricanes

Spectacular skies lately which also means there have been nasty thunderstorms and intense heat waves.  All adding into the weather brew for hurricanes.  This year maybe the year I have more experiences with the tropical storm pattern than the past.

Haven't talked much about work lately for a reason.  Put it this way plenty of vampire and werewolf fodder for my muse.  I've been here at this job over 3 years now and hate to give up some of the perks but those are getting few and far between.

New laptop is still very 'new' to me.  Windows 8 which seems to confuse people is rather intuitive if you have battled a 'smart' phone for a few years.  I know I won't use over half the functions on the computer but it runs.  Haven't bought Office anything yet but used Sand's recommendation of OfficeLibre??  Still quirky but was able to get my ep in for Monday.

Hope you all have a great 4th of July weekend. 

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