Thursday, July 18, 2013

Into the Sun

What seems like a million years ago now on this day I was married.  I was lucky enough to find myself surrounded by family and friends who adored me and I adored.  The day before there had been a sudden downpour that soaked the lawn and gave rise to fears my wedding and reception were going to be a total wash out.  It was July in Southern California.  It really doesn't rain in July.  Have to love foreshadowing. 

Nobody protested at the proper point in the wedding so I found myself married.  The family reception back at my folks was a huge sprawling full house and most of the block party.  I was wearing a hand made silk dress that my Aunt had made for me in San Fransisco.  I had the traditional old, borrowed, new and blue.  I am told I was radiant.  Naturally tears happened at the reception.  I found out my other Aunt had a secret...her mother had just passed.  I loved her mom whole heartedly.  But still the reception went on.  I left with my groom and went off into the sunset to stay at a very nice upscale La Jolla hotel for the night. 

Life shortly there after went horribly sideways.  My groom had a few secrets of his own he'd kept involving his fondness for alcohol and drugs.  Four months later I was sobbing and out the door.  I didn't stop loving him I just didn't see how I could live with him.  We didn't part angry we just parted. 

Now and then I thought of him but not in any way that made me want to look him up or even find out if he was happy.  I had made my way in life and considered the 'starter' marriage as just that.  My folks still refer to the major reception afterwards as 'that hell of a party'.  Yesterday for some odd reason his name kept pushing into my brain.  His full name.  His birthday.  Stuff I hadn't even thought I remembered.  Lunch time I googled it just on a lark because today would have been an anniversary.  I expected to find links to a Facebook page with either tons of photos of his present day family - kids and such with a dog or a page full of rock and roll band stuff (we'd been in bands on and off during time together).  Even a link to a corporate professional site was playing through my mind.

Instead I found out he passed away October 2, 2005.  Eight years ago.  There was no mistake from the information I saw, his brother and sister mentioned and his various homes.  I hadn't a clue.  I still don't quite know what I am feeling. RIP my dear.  I hope you are safe at home.

Friday, July 5, 2013

July is just heating up for Hurricanes

Spectacular skies lately which also means there have been nasty thunderstorms and intense heat waves.  All adding into the weather brew for hurricanes.  This year maybe the year I have more experiences with the tropical storm pattern than the past.

Haven't talked much about work lately for a reason.  Put it this way plenty of vampire and werewolf fodder for my muse.  I've been here at this job over 3 years now and hate to give up some of the perks but those are getting few and far between.

New laptop is still very 'new' to me.  Windows 8 which seems to confuse people is rather intuitive if you have battled a 'smart' phone for a few years.  I know I won't use over half the functions on the computer but it runs.  Haven't bought Office anything yet but used Sand's recommendation of OfficeLibre??  Still quirky but was able to get my ep in for Monday.

Hope you all have a great 4th of July weekend.