Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013...Looks like we made it

The setting sunset last night on 2012.  The night was filled with well lubricated humans tripping down the street.  I was naturally firmly ensconced inside the house on my couch watching the fireworks fill the sky from dusk til well after midnight.  No gunshots from what I heard this year.  I didn't get a chance to wander to the beach today like I'd intended to get a snap or three of the ocean but I still had fun.

2012 was a fast-paced hectic year.  Many people joked about the Mayan doomsday clock and I am pretty sure a few were really waiting for the world to explode.  In some ways it did.  Small slices at the fabric of our society that concern me.  But there is nothing I can change other than being the best I can and hoping others will do the same.  The only way the world will change off the seemingly self-destructive pathway is for folks to to begin to share love and kindness.  Stop the harm at a personal level basically.

Oh, and I know I have probably only a half dozen folks reading my site but every little bit...helps.

I am trying to keep on that pathway of being an understanding human being for 2013 and as of today it was good.  I met up with some friends that had been out of my world for a few months and had a great meal and laughed ever so much.  Laughter is truly a gift.  I wish you all the best in 2013.



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