Friday, August 22, 2014

In the Beginning

I really didn't fall off the world.  It just seemed like that.  As of June this is my new place.  Not like personally but I rent the home.  This is like the first week or so and since then there's been many improvements.  I'll snap more pictures this weekend.  It's been a rough patch with work and the lousy home situtation I had at my old place.  I found little time to blog much less do anything but survive.

That said the warmth of the light from the oncoming train seems more peaceful now (not a negative just adjusting the train wrecks I've been in lately).  I finished off Good Morning - for now.  And am working on When Fairy Tales Come Alive.  Originally started for NaNo 2009 but not much written but a mere 16,000 or so words.  I've jumped in with both feet and began shaping the new universe.  I like it.

Hope you all are having a good end of summer. 

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