Sunday, April 24, 2016


It took less than a week.  My mother died.  I am flying home to help and will be out there for nearly three weeks.  No promises on the blog much less writing but who knows.

Love those you are with and tell them.  I am at peace with that since every time I spoke with my folks I told them that I loved them.  They didn't reply in kind for years (it wasn't in their own histories) but in the past three years I heard those words from both my parents once a week at the very least.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring time

It's spring now so the morning temperatures are in low 70s and highs mid 80s.  Too bad that will change in weeks if not sooner.  Spring seems to get skipped in these parts.  I have worked on the yard lately.  Trimming up trees and bushes while working on ridding the lawn from nasty weeds.

Nastiest above.  Those things jump and stick with a vengeance.   
This one above not as nasty but still evil.

That said these can't be simply pulled out or mowed down but have to go see specialists to get the correct treatment.  Sigh.  Since I put the stuff down not a drop of rain so I will be forced to run my sprinklers tonight.  So much fun * not *

Hope you all have a great week. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

National Siblings Day

Thanks Facebook.  I wouldn't have known such a day existed.  Yeah, That's how I find things out.  FaceyWacey book!

Us as kids decades ago.  Easter this time of year.  Suits and matching dresses and hats for me and my sister.

Great weather this weekend.  I didn't write enough but had a great time with friends and got in yard work.  I am a geek that way.

Not too much more.  Just in the holding pattern.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Days of wine and roses

My friend's boyfriend dropped me off two dozen roses the other night.  He brought home two dozen to her also.  I still don't know why but hey here they are. And I am sipping wine.

One month left at job then I have a slight cushion while finding new one.  Scary but cool because I know I will get some writing in with the hiatus.  April was always the writers prompt from some NaNoWriMo friends to write with goals self-proclaimed in a group.  It was online with T-Shirts, mugs and other bling available declaring our Foolishness.

Hope you all savor your week and enjoy your weekends.