Saturday, January 30, 2016

Night Job

So I have a new tale launching this February on Piker Press and my friend Sand told me that Piker kept trying to push my tale into another novel long written.  So we are working on new story title.  It cracks me up.  That said - go find and enjoy.

This week has had wacky weather.  Cold and tornado filled.  Mid week I figured out that I was so bad on updating my existence on social media it caused stress for my family on the other side of my universe.  As I told my dad this week...'Bad news travels fast' but at the same time I got it. Growing up most people moved less than a few miles from their folks once married.  Now we don't think anything about living thousand of miles from our loved ones.

Work is wearing me down.  I hope you are all well.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

January drawing to a close

I wish it looked like this but alas it is pouring rain outside and I have yet to finish taking out the garbage.  Yay me for procrastinating.

So in the past week both the big blue recycle bin and a gray one for trash.  I was pretty stunned that they haven't done much in the way of catching up to the year 2016 for basic trash services here.  I am pretty sure we started recycling curbside in California in the mid eighties.

I didn't bother to watch the debates.  I am pretty much sick of the whole dark side of  politics but that's not new for me.  I think after a certain city councilman later mayor hit on me after meeting me shoved the slimy factor of pols into my circle of awareness.  The dude was married!! I guess he didn't think I'd ever figure that out.  I did.  The nasty taste still remains to this day.

Writing front my latest story is hitting Piker Press next week.  The past three weeks led into this novel with the short backstory that I fast forwarded to present day. will have the fun!