Thursday, November 20, 2014

November on way out

November is quickly evaporating.  I am churning through NaNo some of which I'll be keeping more than likely half is going south.  During all this I am battling with work and also doing a book review for a friend. 

This has been a tough year.  Some very good things have happened and some really nasty bits.  At times the nasty bits have shoved me into a bad space but I keep on keeping on you know?

Mostly I keep trying to remember...this too shall past...if not kick ass fodder for my stories.

Hope you are all well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November nods into my view

Yes, I am doing NaNoWriMo again.  National November Writing Month.

I've been doing it over ten years maybe closer to twelve.  Didn't finish once or twice due to real nasty life.

I enjoy writing.  Truly.  One day I may actually find out what precisely writer's block means.  I hope not.  But I tend to be constantly twisting things to make a story.  I studied literature in high school and college.  Did my stint with journalism and was not impressed.  I quickly found out how easy 'writers' twisted reality to make their stories better.  Add in all the fake news reporters that began to litter the papers I was happy to do fiction.  That said I still use 'real' stuff in my stories.  I've had more than one friend complain that they went and researched something in my stories because they thought it was part of my fiction...and found out I was telling the truth!

Well back to writing I hope you are all well.