Friday, June 14, 2013

Wild weather and its sky

This is the sunsets I get with summer.  The heavy air and the impending thunderstorms gift these.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Change Change Change

Mentally I am hearing the song "Chain of fools" while remembering the movie "Michael" with John Travolta dancing with all the people whose lives he was going to directly 'change'.  I always thought that song rang more about change than chains...but then I am odd.

2013 has definitely fallen off the wall and well into that chaotic feeling of constant change.  The new work management style is very familiar.  About 1983 to be exact.  The micro managing style with rules for no rational reasons being imposed constantly.  That was big in the 80s.  As were padded shoulders and garish colored suits.  I'm waiting for that 'new rule' to show up next.  Part of the stress comes from changing rules and regulations that aren't coming from our HR department but emails sents willy-nilly to us poor slobs in the cubes.  They've hired many new folks - not to helps us in the cubes but to fill offices - aka more management.  Tomorrow brings about departmental cube moves.  Not like one or two of us but I think we are uprooting 25 folks in the next two days.  Happy Happy Joy Joy...NOT.

On the plus side?? No more overtime will be allowed (well, what given with all the new hires that money has to be pulled from somewhere) unless it's written in email well in advance.  That doesn't work so well for me.  I am not staying late to cover mistakes made by the changes. 

So this little worker bee will buzz along and find a new garden soon if this continues.  Well, after the hurricanes hit right?  No need to buzz off before free days off of work.  Right??  And yes I am predicting another series of hurricanes to directly change my corner of the globe.  I was right last year.....